Skydiving Southern California


Friday, September 01, 2006

Different Ways to Make Your First Jump

There are a couple different ways to make your first skydive, Tandem, the Accelerated Free Fall program, and Static Line.

Most first time jumpers choose to make a Tandem jump. This is when you and your instructor are attached together to the same parachute. You have your back to your instructor’s belly. Training for a tandem usually takes about 30 minutes. Freefall during a tandem lasts between 30 and 60 seconds and varies depending on the altitude from which you jump.

Accelerated Free Fall (AFF) is a bit more complicated. During this method, the student has their own parachute and is given intense ground training in exiting, freefall, canopy piloting, landing safely, and emergency procedures. You will exit the aircraft with two AFF instructors. As with a tandem, freefall time depends on altitude but generally lasts between 30 and 60 seconds. You open your own parachute around 5,000ft and fly yourself to the landing area.

Static Line offers the same training as the AFF program on the ground, except upon exiting the airplane solo, the parachute deploys immediately. You jump from and open around 3,500ft and proceed to fly yourself to the landing area.

It’s important to choose which training is best for you so ask your school whatever questions you may have about the programs they offer.


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